Monday, August 12, 2013

My Raya

This is my raya story with pictures -

Kami bagi duit raya sebelum berbuka on the 29th Ramadan. Kata Iman, bagi hadiah bulan Ramadan lebih afdhal.. (and I did give out duit raya to anak sedaras and cucus after all, albeit the old notes and some in old sampul raya)

They played bunga api di padang belakang (dah besar2 pun takut kena marah dengan makcik-pakcik sebelah rumah..)

We prepared the raya feast sikit2 days earlier; malas nak berebut2 last minute. And pre-ordered the ketupat & some of the rendang. Unfortunately gambar makanan takde; only the set table. But we had lemang, ketupat palas dan nasi impit. Kuah kacang dan lodeh. Sambal sotong. Kari ayam. Rendang tok dan rendang pedas ayam. Rendang tok was made by hubs from a recipe he got from my brother-in-law (!) But as usual when he cooks, kami yang kena kerah tenaga.. (you know the joke that when a man cooks habis periuk belanga keluar dan dapur pun kena cuci fr ceiling to floor? I can vouch that it is true)

As usual, gambar raya yang skema di rumah. I was rather disheartened this raya for no particular reason (even lagu raya Amy Mastura and M Nasir, my fave, cant bring out that special raya feel) and told everybody, tahun ni you can choose whatever you want to wear. Semua baju dah digosok dalam almari. Pakai je lah yang mana nak. Takde tema2, penat mama nak kelola. Kami pakai baju indah, tapi bukan baju baru.. tahun ni.

The newly weds. The bachelors. And the not so newly weds.


Resipi baru yang saya kutip tahun ni.. (macam2 resipi mintak saban tahun, buat tidak jugak pun..) You can try this, it is delicious.

We went back to see the mums but I seriously forgot to take any photos. Sesungguhnya lupa sebab sibuk sangat melayan tetamu. Hope you had the nicest raya.


1 comment:

DeLinn said...

Happy belated birthday azah.

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