Thursday, May 19, 2011

Segalanya Bermula Di Hati

I got this in the email. It was short, straight to the point with no frills and just goes right to where it should. Hati.

8 tips mudah untuk membersihkan hati dan membuang sikap-sikap negatif di dalam diri -
1. Bersyukur dengan kurniaan Tuhan
2. Beribadat dengan benar dan seikhlas hati
3. Berakhlak baik
4. Menimba ilmu tanpa henti
5. Bekerja keras cara bijak
6. Bersederhana dalam hidup
7. Ringan tangan membantu sesiapa sahaja
8. Memaafkan orang lain

Baca pun mesti dengan hati. Kalau baca sekilas lalu aje, tak juga jadi apa-apa pun.


Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Of This & That

The thought that came to mind this evening is that I should rear some chicken. That way none of the food that alas, unfortunately has got to be thrown are actually "wasted". And I think I may have food in the kitchen that can last us for a month - if not more, considering the bilis and sardines and other dried stuff.

I am reminded of a story of a poor woman with her two small daughters who went to see 'Aisya ra and asking if she could spare them some food. Unfortunately there is only one date in Rasulullah's house which 'Aisya gave to the woman.

Itu muqaddimah.

Hello darlings. It has been quite some time since the last update - 3 weeks to be exact. I have been very busy. Didnt have much inclination to crank up the brain cells to write about anything.

But things have been very quiet anyway apart from the work load. Met up old friends from the toxic office for dinner the other day; as usual that was fun. We went to Basil; the tomyam was good (Zana, we missed you. We were thinking you didnt come because you are afraid we'll ask for gifts from Bali that you didnt get for us!) There was also a going away luncheon get together at Paya Serai. The food was rather bad; not quite like Paya Serai in the old days. So dont think of having meals there. And we also went to Saba again for lamb for mother's day. Funny thing is the meal was on me. And I tried nasi lemak Tanglin. I cant say I understand what the fuss is all about. Had nasi lemak cikgu also in Kelana Jaya. Cant say I like it much either. Nasi lemak resoran Haslam lagi sedap, if you ask me (but more often than not you will bump into someone you know there).

Mother's day was quiet too this year. On that Sunday Ilyas said he's still looking for a present for me (amboi, lama nya cari hadiah; sampai hari ni pun tak nampak lagi hadiah tu!) He had been pet-sitting for many friends lately. We had a cat named Tigra (garang bukan main as its name). Now we have two cute kittens called Sushi & Fishy (funny names). We had a sugar glider named Skinner previously. I told him he should consider opening a pet sitter or something. He's taken up running too lately. So most weekends he'd be running in some race or another.

I took Luqman for his interview the other day. He looked out of sort in his tie and polished shoes. And sported a short hair cut too, unlike his usual Indie like style (Indie is a favorite word at this time. Like Yuna in a way). Anyway. Luqman said he might have flunked his interview. Rezeki Allah yang tentukan, yang; I said. Doa banyak2. Which reminds me of the kids that I interviewed the other day for YTM scholarship. There was a girl who had completed her foundation. She was sweet. Funny. Smart. Pretty. Articulate. Bashful. Creative. Brainy. Have good ideas. Sopan. Simply a joy to talk to. Rezeki masing2.

Last Sun the world seemed to tilt at a strange angle; and it spin somewhat. The doctor prescribed me tiny pills that made me yawn. And sleep. And sleep. I cant keep my eyes open for 2 straight days. After a couple of mornings like that I read the names of the pills and commit them to memory - so that I will never ever take them again. Then I threw them into the trash. I wasted two days sleeping.

After 3 weeks of not typing anything it feels sluggish now to write something. I need to catch up.


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