Thursday, September 26, 2013

Orang2 yang Kafir

Saya terbaca ~

Adalah diriwayatkan, terdapat sekumpulan kaum Quraisy antaranya ialah al-Harith bin Qais, al-‘Ash bin Wa-il, al-Walid bin al-Mughirah, al-Aswad bin Abu Yaghuth, al-Aswad bin Abdul Mutalib dan Umaiyah bin Khalaf. 

Mereka datang menemui Rasulullah saw seraya berkata “Hai Muhammad! Marilah engkau ikut agama kami dan kami pula ikut agama engkau. Kita berkongsi untuk sama-sama memeluk agama kita semuanya, engkau sembah tuhan kami selama setahun dan kami sembah Tuhan engkau pula selama setahun. Sekiranya agama yang kau bawa itu yang baik kita sudah pun sama-sama berkongsi dalam agama tersebut, kerana kami telah mengambil bahagian kami. Sekiranya agama yang ada pada kami itu yang baik, engkau juga sudah berkongsi sama-sama dengan kami dan engkau telah mengambil bahagian engkau.”

Rasulullah menjawab, "Aku berlindung kepada Allah dari menyekutukanNya dengan yang lain.”

Mereka pun berkata pula, "Engkau terima sajalah sebahagian tuhan kami, nescaya kami akan percaya kepadamu dan kami sembah pula tuhanmu."

Baginda pun lalu menjawab, "Sehinggaku tunggu apa yang akan datang jawapannya dari Tuhanku."

Maka Allah pun menurunkan surah al-Kafirun dari awal hingga akhir surah, terjemahannya :

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
Katakanlah: "Hai orang-orang kafir, (1) Aku tidak akan menyembah apa yang kamu sembah. (2) Dan kamu bukan penyembah Tuhan yang aku sembah. (3) Dan aku tidak pernah menjadi penyembah apa yang kamu sembah, (4) dan kamu tidak pernah (pula) menjadi penyembah Tuhan yang aku sembah. (5) Untukmu agamamu, dan untukkulah, agamaku". (6)

Keesokan harinya Rasulullah saw datang ke  masjid, dan di sana telah berkumpul kaum Quraisy. Di hadapan mata kepala mereka baginda berdiri membacakan surah ini, maka mereka pun kecewa seketika itu juga..

Saya ambil dari buku tafsir surah al-Quran.

Apalah dunia ini jika tiada bahagian untuk akhirat. Selamat mencari rahmat dan redhaNya.


Monday, September 23, 2013

Isnt She Cute?

Her name is Zafirah. She's five and visits us occasionally on weekends. Seronok pulak ada ada budak kecik kat rumah.


Sunday, September 22, 2013

Do You?

Talk, I mean. Do you talk at the restaurant table while waiting for food?


Monday, September 16, 2013

A Family Makan2

Izni, niece, got engaged the other day. I am sure the pretty pelamin was done by Fatin (she also did the pelamin for Iman's and Ilyas' wedding; and we pass her number around in the family). I always like her color scheme and style.

After makan2 there was the clown show for the kids - it was hmm, siapa punya birthday also, I think Dina - cucu sedara. Not only were the kids excited..

..even the elders pun tercengang! (maklumlah kami kecik dulu mana ada clown datang rumah..)

Haha.. when the clown asked warna apa lagi ada - we said kelabu tahi anjing! Clown pun terstun sekejap. I dont think he understood; it didnt seem like Bahasa Melayu is his first language.


Friday, September 13, 2013

Have the Greatest Weekend

Hi darlings. Yeay, it is the weekend after all. I thought it wouldnt ever get here (yes, it was that kind of gloomy, depressed, temperamental moodiness).

For a while it seemed like it is going to be a disaster kind of weekend. Earlier, words like avenge and revenge came to mind. And pig (as only true male chauvinists could be). And thoughts like if we were children I'd box his ears and if I were a man I'd punch his nose (till broke). Kesabaran yang (amat, amat) dicabar.

Teringat cerita ustaz tentang orang kafir yang mencabar syariat Islam and after all that was said, sorry is the only word offered. And we are expected to be gentlemen enough to take that feeble peace offering. Terbakar dibuatnya. 

Wow. Right - the weekend (I will not let some rude, arrogant, obnoxious clown ruin that).

I have such elaborate plans this long weekend. We have aqiqah cucu sedara tomorrow in Bangi. I was tasked to make my (world famous! - konon) wajik for that. Mom is in town; so we are going to Cheras for a visit. I plan to get to Publika; I've got to visit Ben's. I saw their store on tv and it looked gorgeous. I plan to make small bundt cakes (actually I dont even have the right tins yet). And croissants. I've been trying to bake these since forever. We are also going to Rawang; somebody's going for hajj. I am clearing stuff upstairs (we are putting in some new wardrobe so lots of stuff has got to go). And I need to get some mending done (eg Me:Eirfan! Kenapa kocek kemeja sekolah ni koyak? He:Kawan tarik. Heh-he.. I thought he must have had fun then sebab boleh ketawa lagi dah sampai rumah pun so what's a torn pocket right?)

You have a great weekend too whatever your plans may be.


Do You Know Where You Are Going To?

I thought this is rather befitting presently.


Sunday, September 8, 2013


Hello darlings. How are you? I've been depressed, demotivated, bored, frustrated, uninspired, weary.. Yeah that about sums it up (in other words, hasnt life been just plain peachy?) I have  been skipping the medicines and visits to the doctor and the therapy, that could have been the reason for the moodiness now that I've come to think about it (I need to put the blame on something).

Ini tahun saya ke 50. I celebrated that many-th  birthday recently. The kids promised to take me out for a nice meal but we didnt get to do it. Ada saja sebab kami tak pergi - tak de mood, dont feel like eating out, dont know where to go (although Italiannies looked interesting for a while), tak cukup korum etc etc.

I like being 50. It feels like a privilege; the right to enjoy certain immunities I think. Whoever said getting old sucks? It is rather liberating in fact - do what you want, say what you like, thinking you've been there done that and thank god you've made it through and those phases have passed you by.

Wrinkles, you say? I think they add character - lined faces and crow-feet eyes could tell you a lot of stories.

So as part of the whole process I am thinking about a revamp of the blog. The issues are different, interests changed, new goals blah blah. Bottom line is I think I've written here long enough. Nak cerita pasal lain pulak lah. Maybe. We'll see.Who knows.      


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