Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Trying To Stay Quiet About It But Cant

I am ecstatically happy but anxious at the same time. My boss stopped by my desk early this morning and said that my transfer letter is actually sitting on the PD's table. I go like Masya'Allah, Alhamdulillah.

The talk about the career move has been going on for the past couple months or so; but with the school holidays and the problematic upgrade thrown into the equation, it has seem like forever.

The people executing the job had promised 1st Aug as the official transfer date; but takdir semua di tangan Allah. I have actually quietly cleared some stuff and taken them home / thrown some out; dont want to keep everything as last minute. But dont want to make noise about the whole thing at the same time.

My boss had said, Can you delay your transfer? and Do you have to go? and even, I can ask the PD to cancel the approval. I said No, Yes and Please dont. I felt humbled that she wants me to stay but quietly said no one is indispensible.

I told her I said to the PD that at certain time in life you feel like the time is right, the decision is right and that you just have to do it. And this feels exactly like an instant like that.

It could be a total mistake down the road, who knows? Let's be pragmatic about that.

The photo is like I'm heading for a clear, bright future on a straight path under the blue skies, like happy days in the horizon. Insya'Allah.



DeLinn said...

congrats! let's wait and hear your new stories after this, or is it, your new mumblings? kekekeke

Azah Yahya said...

Mumblings, definitely. And whinings on the blog (where else otherwise?) I am already starting to complain the new office is dark (darker than here)and kind of gloomy despite the splashes of orange on the partitions. But I had managed to stop myself. Dasar manusia..

Zana Fauzi said...

That's good to hear!

DeLinn said...

I'm not surprised azah. That is our azah. kalau u tak whine, hmm sooo not you! tak syok tau! hahahaha

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