Saturday, September 19, 2009

The Eve of Eidul Fitr

Is it raya tomorrow? I assume it is..

Nevertheless everything's finally DONE. The last songkok bought. Kasut Eirfan nestled under his bed. All the rendang finished etc etc. We even bought some bunga api to light off tonite. I only need to do some final cleaning.

Raya is so flat (searching for a better word but cant find one) this time around. And raya preparation is basically raya for me - the mad dash around town for the perfect bayu melayu; the sweat to get the food ready; the anxiety that the wajik would turn the way that it should - like mom's.

After eidul fitr solat and seeking forgiveness from everyone and giving duit raya and tangkap gambar (of course), what else is there left of raya? I usually would burrow down with a good book to rest and find peace - at last - after the hectic of Ramadhan and the preparation for raya itself.

Never one to watch tv on raya I find there's not much to do after 1st Syawal. And I am usually among the early ones to turn up at work aftr the festives.

This raya is not much different; we are celebrating raya in Keramat (instead of Bangi) this year. Then we'll travel back to the in-laws.

I wish I am that much happier and in a more celebrating mood. But in actual fact I am burnt out - of raya prep. How much more cynical than that can you be on a raya eve?


1 comment:

DeLinn said...

i pun biasa2 je rasa, azah

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