Thursday, June 10, 2010

Pet Peeve - Facebook

Was at a function recently. And as everyone greeted each other and catch up on each other's news, I overheard someone said - ye tau, dah baca di Facebook. I thought like, wow..

And then someone was asking if there is any job vacancy anywhere. I said give me your email address. She said tulis kat Facebook lah. Duh..?

The last straw came when someone walked through the door and said, aku dah add kau kat Facebook. I went like what the ..?

Now me, I basically hate crowded places. Like the pasar tani. Or the trains (I gave up on LRT long ago). Or even crowded raya open houses (hate these with a passion..)

And I actually think Facebook is already very crowded. You cant whisper something without the whole world knowing about it (exaggeration intended here). Someone complained her friend had posted old, old, old photos from their school days. She hinted she didnt like it. But unfortunately, nobody cares what she feels. So, there you have it - lihat lah dunia!

Recently someone close to the family passed away. Unfortunately I didnt know. One day later I was asked, hang tak baca kat Facebook ka..? What the hell is wrong with people in this world? And since when do I have to get info like this on Facebook, for goodness sake? I wish I could have done some serious injury to him; but I was in the office - cakap pelan2 pun orang dengar so I cant kill him even softly, with my words..

But blogging is more fun in many ways. More serious in a way. Mature. And I dont have people yapping around me all the time. Long live bloggers!



Zana Fauzi said...

Yay long live blogging indeed!

I feel Facebook is crowded too - especially when all my uncles, aunts, cousins started to add me up as friends. Hello, I don't wanna be friends with them - and they would see this other side of me they might not be fond of. But when I go home they were like, "Awat tak approve Pak Njang kat Fesbuk?" *gasped* So I approved them anyway, stopped putting up 'crazy' photos and posted silly status messages instead. And I hate the agony of old photos tagging there anyway - keep the old photos in your shoeboxes please!

Just a side note - there's a contact in my facebook who kept updating the amount of her breast milk every day and whined, "Huwaa 8 oz je today, semalam 32 oz." I was like, hello, I don't need to know about the progress of your mammary glands.

Be glad you don't have one, and don't start. 'Cause if you do, you won't find the will strong enough to live it.

Azah Yahya said...

Haha - you sounded very passionate about the dislike. I hate it too when family commented on Eirfan's messages on Facebook. Unfortunately he already befriended all the uncs & aunties and cousins online..

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