Wednesday, October 10, 2012

BB&MB Part 42 - Mendidik Hati Mendekati Allah

Somehow reading has been a bit slow lately. Although I do try to pack in as much as I can.

Kata ustaz, challenge yourself and maybe finish 200 pages or so in a day. Jadi makcik2 dan kakcik2 dalam kelas gasped and said unbelievably, dua ratus? So did I (uh, I may fall into the makcik category, heh-heh) But seriously, I dont think I can do 200 pages in a day (takde masa, tak cukup will power dan tiada concentration to get that far). Buku cerita boleh la (ada pulak masa tu), although it seems like days when I speed read my novels are long gone. I have two fictions sitting on my almari for ages and I havent even removed the plastic covers yet.

But anyway I finished this book by Imam Ghazali. It took me months to finish this 400+ pages. Janganlah kata 2-3 hari. Saya recommend buku ni buat mengisi hati yang kosong. Dan of course, masa kosong anda.

Buku2 yang diakhiri dengan wafatnya Rasulullah saw semuanya sedih. Termasuklah yang ini.

I already have a few books lined up for next reading. In fact, yang sebenarnya dah start pun on a couple of others. I always read books concurrently, ikut sedap hati.

Dan saya terjumpa satu blog the other day. Very powerful words and writing, on various topics. The writer, a Korean American if I am not mistaken, said you must read at least a (non-fiction) book each week. He must have been doing that cause it shows in his writing and the way he that thinks. Unfortunately I didnt bookmark the site.

I am actually on the PMR leave. And people have asked what'll you be doing at home while Eirfan goes for his exam. I thought it was a no brainer kind of question; I have plenty to do. I need to do the groceries, pay bills, blog, bake cookies (I've got orders for aqiqah gifts) and try new recipes (I have the - best, I was told - spaghetti meatballs and chunky chips to try. Btw, I promise myself I will try new recipe and / or eat, try something new every week. I should blog about this too).

I need to visit the bunga reben store; I have to get started on the hantaran / bunga telur / bunga pelamin trilogy already (I hate last minute things, I tend to lose my cool). I also have a thick strategy report to go through (my boss gave that to me so I have to read it. Otherwise I wouldnt bother I suppose). I have stuffs that need mending (namun, kata Rasulullah saw dan InsyaAllah saya tak silap, jangan ingat disebabkan kita tampal baju kita ingat itu sudah cukup baik; or something along that line. Tampal baju tu sefaham saya is just a prerequisite to other bigger things).

And most importantly I plan to read (of course) big stuff and to take time to slowly reflect on the purpose of being. Big, I know.

You have productive days ahead too, darlings.


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