Saturday, October 26, 2013

Books,Books and More Books Part 51

 Unfortunately this is not about any book that I read - as I have done very little reading lately. Maybe a page here and one-half there. And a mag or two; including the Country Living on the iPad (I think I still prefer a hardcopy, thank you. The photos just arent big enough, glossy enough nor pretty enough digitally).

Isnt this the truth?

And one day my bed may turn out like this (if hubs ever stop complaining about the books he kept finding amongst the pillows, over the headboard and under the bed). 



Friday, October 25, 2013

It Is Friday Again!

 And how pathetic can it be when all one can think about is the weekend.. But yeah, that is how tragic life is (I am prone to exaggeration).

Anyway. Have you got weekend plans already? We will continue with our foray for the ideal, the most awesome, remarkable and not to forget the cheapest - shoe rack ever! Say what? Seriously no kidding, I am looking for a shoe rack or something thereof, since hmm.. for some time now (what a waste of time). Enough said.

We will visit grandma. I promised Eirfan we will get revision books for him (to drag him to the book store for the books is a more accurate phrase I suppose). Plus a few other things. I will cook this weekend. I've been cheating and cutting corners where meals are concerned.

I have got to share how I cheated on meals:

1. He thought we need one of these.

2.  He made the boys fix the set up once home.

3. The boys (and him) have been getting meals on the table a lot of times lately..

.. while I sit, watch and then eat (oh wait, I always make the salad).

So I will try a new recipe this weekend. I will read (I'm keeping my fingers crossed). Cant be too complacent.

And since Eirfan has finished his exams, we have a few movies to watch. Fast & Furious. Oblivion. And a couple more.

I also plan to get some office work done this weekend (I will not say unfortunately).

You have a good weekend too!


Saturday, October 19, 2013


Arent they cute? I'll keep them for pets please.


Thursday, October 17, 2013

It Was uh.. uhmm.. hmm.. (Now How To Describe It?)

It was the raya haji at my place. Which was definitely different from any other raya that's for sure.

Mum came over for raya (she never celebrated raya at our place before). We had very early breakfast with atok sebab takut upset her fragile schedule. The boys came home later for their breakfast after prayers.

We were excited to take the family photo because atok was around. Otherwise it would be the same old photo on any given raya. Atok said, mak pakai baju buruk je tak pe ke? We said it is ok sangat2 (she almost didnt want to tangkap gambar because of that).

And I love this; just us girls (!)

I thought people would come because mak is around. But I under estimated the numbers. Ayah Cu / Mak Su came lebih 10 beranak sekali with their cucus, Pak Cik and Mak Cik were there with my cousins. Adik-beradik jangan cakap la. And nieces and nephews with their children.

I ran out of lemang, kuah kacang, nasi impit and sambal sotong. Nasib baik I had lots of rendang and ketupat with orange cake I baked, wajik and some cookies. Saya congak2 mungkin lebih 40 orang yang datang. Come to think of it I should have planned for a potluck lunch. Anyway.

I like this photo too. Mum with pakcik and maksu. We said, seronoknya depa adik-beradik! When she looked at the photo mak kata, buat gambar tu besar sikit. Bagi kat mak sekeping (I think I will do that photo album for mum after all).

And we had more visitors in the afternoon too (we did very little korban activities this year). Terlalu ramai tetamu.

Maka nikmat Allah yang mana satu yang ingin kita dustakan?

How was your raya?


Saturday, October 12, 2013

Yang TerIndah

I suppose I was paying attention that morning because the verses felt so right and made perfect sense to me. Bak kata ustaz, bergetar dada bila membacanya.

Surah Al Anbiya (Surah 21)
92. Sesungguhnya (agama tauhid) ini adalah agama kamu semua; agama yang satu dan Aku adalah Rabbmu, maka sembahlah Aku.

93. Dan mereka telah memotong-motong urusan (agama) mereka di antara mereka. Kepada Kamilah masing-masing golongan itu akan kembali. 

94. Maka barangsiapa yang mengerjakan amal saleh, sedang ia beriman, maka tidak ada pengingkaran terhadap amalannya itu dan sesungguhnya Kami menuliskan amalannya itu untuknya. 
95. Sungguh tidak mungkin atas (penduduk) suatu negeri yang telah Kami binasakan, bahwa mereka tidak akan kembali (kepada Kami). 

96. Hingga apabila dibukakan (tembok) Ya’juj dan Ma’juj, dan mereka turun dengan cepat dari seluruh tempat yang tinggi. 

97. Dan telah dekatlah kedatangan janji yang benar (hari berbangkit),maka tiba-tiba terbelalaklah mata orang-orang kafir. (Mereka berkata): “Aduhai,celakalah kami, sesungguhnya kami adalah dalam kelalaian tentang ini, bahkan kami adalah orang-orang yang zalim. 
98. Sesungguhnya kamu dan apa yang kamu sembah selain Allah, adalah umpan Jahannam, kamu pasti masuk ke dalamnya. 

99. Andaikata berhala-berhala itu ilah-ilah, tentulah mereka tidak masuk neraka. Dan semuanya akan kekal di dalamnya. 

100. Mereka merintih di dalam api dan mereka di dalamnya tidak bisa mendengar.

101. Bahwasanya orang-orang yang telah ada untuk mereka ketetapan yang baik dari Kami, mereka itu dijauhkan dari neraka,

102. mereka tidak mendengar sedikitpun suara api neraka, dan mereka kekal dalam meni’mati apa yang diingini oleh mereka.

103. Mereka tidak disusahkan oleh kedahsyatan yang besar (pada hari kiamat), dan mereka disambut oleh para malaikat. (Malaikat berkata): “Inilah harimu yang telah dijanjikan kepadamu”. 

104. (Yaitu) pada hari Kami menggulung langit sebagai menggulung lembaran-lembaran kertas. Sebagaimana Kami telah memulai penciptaan pertama begitulah Kami akan mengulanginya. Itulah janji yang pasti Kami tepati;sesungguhnya Kamilah yang akan melaksanakannya.

105. Dan sesungguhnya telah Kami tulis di dalam Kitab-kitab yang Kami turunkan sesudah ada tulisannya pada Lauh Mahfuzh, bahwasanya bumi ini dipusakai hamba-hamba-Ku yang saleh. 
106. Sesungguhnya (apa yang disebutkan) dalam (surat) ini, benar-benar menjadi peringatan bagi kaum yang menyembah Allah.

107. Dan tiadalah Kami mengutus kamu, melainkan untuk (menjadi) rahmat bagi semesta alam.

108. Katakanlah: “Sesungguhnya yang diwahyukan kepadaku adalah: “Bahwasanya Ilahmu adalah Ilah Yang Esa, maka hendaklah kamu berserah diri (kepada-Nya)”.

109. Jika mereka berpaling maka katakanlah: “Aku telah menyampaikan kepada kamu sekalian (ajaran) yang sama (antara kita) dan aku tidak mengetahui apakah yang diancamkan kepadamu itu sudah dekat atau masih jauh?”

110. Sesungguhnya Dia mengetahui perkataan (yang kamu ucapkan) dengan terang-terangan dan Dia mengetahui apa yang kamu rahasiakan.

111. Dan aku tiada mengetahui boleh jadi hal itu cobaan bagi kamu dan kesenangan sampai kepada suatu waktu.

112. (Muhammad) berkata: “Ya Rabbku, berilah keputusan dengan adil. Dan Rabb kami adalah Rabb Yang Maha Pemurah lagi Yang dimohon pertolongan-Nya terhadap apa yang kamu katakan”. 

And I found ~
Al-Bukhari recorded that `Abdur-Rahman bin Yazid said that `Abdullah said, "Banu Isra'il, Al-Kahf, Maryam, Ta Ha and Al-Anbiya' - they are among the earliest and most beautiful Surahs and they are my treasure.''


And how time flies.

It is October again.

And some old friends would snicker if they knew this is played.

Have the greatest fall.. uh.. 4Q ever.


Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Let's Hope Nobody Installs Another Game on the iPad

For a while I ate, slept and lived HayDay - the farm game. I cant help but work the game at any time. Before I brush my teeth. After. Before bfast and after. First thing when I got home and the last thing I looked at before turning in for the day.

I stopped reading anything. No hobbies either. Last weekend I told hubs to please delete the game from the iPad (cant bear to do it myself - I was already at level 41). Without hesitation and a big laugh (an evil one too) he had uninstalled everything.   

It was a relief. I have a life again! (chewwaah) I told the kids (who cant tear themselves away from their games) they are missing a big chunk of life playing on their computers.

So listen, get a life. Quit crushing candies.

ps - I read a very engrossing story on how to become a blogger - if you are interested (I wish I have that kind of talent too).


Thursday, October 3, 2013


Hmmm.. Never have the skills for it. Never keep in touch. Never call. Never write. Dont remember birthdays. Nor anniversaries. Dont do facebook either.. So yeah, that's about it.


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