Saturday, May 26, 2007

My Restless Brain-er

2 days ago my bachelor casually said, oh and by the way have I told you my matrikulasi results are out on the internet today and I found out that I have a 4.0 CGPA? - like getting a result like that is equivalent to taking a stroll in the park or something. I said no yang, you havent but congrats anyway (equally casual). I mean, if someone tells you something like that excitedly, your responses would reciprocate that emotion, right?

Well, that's my son. He hides the emotions under a lot of layers. He's a bit blur on things too. When he was in form 5 he went to school on a state public holiday (come on, he was 17 after all!) He wore glasses ever since he was 7. He owns a t-shirt that says 'restless brain' across his chest. He loves physics and calculus - thinks these are the most easiest and coolest subjects in school (I dont know why). Hates bio, sejarah as these are reading subjects and he needs to memorise things.

He doesnt care about fashion, clothes - yang seadanya is ok with him. He loves manga and animae (? is that correct spelling?) and listens to songs like 'Phantom Of The Opera' - ha-ha.. his abangs go like duh, what are you listening??!

At 14 I told his tuition teacher that he is stubborn (we had our clashes) but Mrs Ng's responses made me look at his stubborness differently - she said he has a very firm stand on things that matters to him and that is a good character of a leader. I said, you think? She said yes. Till today I thank her for letting me see that facet in him.

This break he's keeping his hair long although I threatened to buy him pretty butterfly clips to keep his hair in place.. His hair is alway falling to his face - almost like Violet in The Incredibles. But in a way he looks quite endearing (what else would a soppy mum like me think, right?)

As I am finising this post I am thinking that Masya'Allah, I am blessed in so many ways that I do not notice. Please let me always be thankful and mindful of these blessings..



fatin nabihah said...

pn azah..nih yg anak yg pn azah selalu citer yg blurrrr tu je ek.. hehehe.. anyway congrats..
dia tu reminds to adik fatin yg kat ukm tu la gaya nye.. tak kisah baju apa2..pakai seluar buruk..hehe tapi result power je selalu.. :)

Azah Yahya said...

Yeap, that's the one. The others mesti ada gaya, ada brand, malu kalau baju comot2. Not this one.

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