It is to be with mum. Sit with her, minta maaf, tell mutual stories of Ramadhan, tell other stories. Bagi mak duit raya. She can tell me what she wants done and I will do it.
To be with the family. Minta maaf dengan suami. Bersalaman dan cium anak-anak. Berpesan dengan yang baik-baik. Bagi duit raya. Tangkap gambar raya (a must!). Makan yang baik-baik di hari raya.
It is about seeing and meeting people you love and whom you love being around with. A cynic that I am, some maybe family but not one you are fond of. Others may not be family, but you simply enjoy meeting and being with them..
It is not about duit raya (my children insist on visiting their Antie Leli because of her generosity in giving duit raya; which unfortunately made me equally reluctant to visit her. Much to my children's delight, we met her at Antie Timah's place.)
It is not about food. Sesia je puasa sebulan and then make a glutton of yourself on raya.
It is not about forcing oneself to visit anyone when the heart is not into it. Be sincere about it. My arwah PakUda was one of the nicest guy on the planet. We used to visit him without fail every raya. Kalau tak rasa nak pergi visit, tak payah pergi (..?)
It is not about baju raya (I finally came to terms with this. Or have I..?)
ps - And I seriously hate gloomy, despondent, melancholy pre-raya, raya and post-raya moods; like right now.