Friday, April 1, 2011


Yeay.. it is Friday. What a bless.

TGIF reminds me of Mary Pascall - an instructor from my English class days - who had asked if anybody knew what it is. I answered. And then she said, how do you know that? I saw it at the cinemas. Oh, she exclaimed, you saw that at the movies! (I cant decide if a-she thought we dont have any English movies to watch; b-we dont have cinemas or c-we couldnt possibly know what it means).

Anyway. What are your plans this weekend? I think somebody is taking us out for lunch tomorrow. Yeay. I also plan to walk and walk. And maybe window shop a bit at Jalan TAR. Then maybe make some chocolate cupcake with gooey chocolate ganache for friends.

For now I've got some photos from last weekend makan-makan at my sister's. She had served gorgeous lamb rib racks (did that come out right?) and loads of basketful of durians. And lots of other stuff. And then gave us like a week supply of food for take-aways too! Semoga lebih murah rezeki, Insya'Allah.

As usual, I had to put in my trade mark of collages - makan, makan dan makan lagi; all that's left of the lamb (there is no sign of the ribs); durians, durians; amongst those plants is her "tak tanam pun pokok cili tu - dia hidup sendiri..)

(Some of) my niece and nephews. I like this; they were so sporting and all look so sweet here. I have this plan to put everybody's (in the family) smiling face on my blog someday (I have a few for a start but never anywhere near completion sebab kadang2 gambar tak lawa. Takkan nak letak kan. Marah pulak tuan nye).

It was indeed a great weekend to meet up the family (and eat). Oh, and one last thing - we were also given the memoir of Dr M each. Mine still sits on the coffee table at home in its plastic wrap. But I do plan to read it. Sometime.


1 comment:

DeLinn said...

what? you guys were given the memoir book? dang! ask her to gimme too pls. wondering what he wrote inside the book. happy weekend azah!

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