Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Laju. Memang Laju

We recently had Unifi installed at home (after many, many times being questioned by Ilyas why we havent had it yet). Before this we were on Streamyx 512kb. After much complaints from everybody that was upgraded to 1Mb. It seemed that was not sufficient either with much so buffering (my take on this is budak2 mana tahu sabar..) But anyway, it was never a question of if we will get Unifi; it was just a matter of when.

My son thought we should subscribe to the 20MB plan. I said, have you boys decided to open up a CC in my home without my knowledge? We got the 5MB line instead (I insisted). They were rather disappointed. No issues, said I; we can always upgrade later if we think we need more bandwidth. They were mollified somewhat (with my err cough, cough half promise).

So now we are on Unifi. Happy with the internet speed. The TV is ok. On rainy days when you have service interruption on Astro you can switch to Unifi. They have a few good channels. Syfy and Warner tv have pretty decent programmes. The destination channel (ie a travel channel) comes in HD. So you get this crystal clear pictures of beautiful places. If you are ever that desperate MTV comes in HD too.

The fixed phone comes together with Unifi (it is after all a triple play service). I dont remember the new number as we are still keeping our old line. Everyone has that number already. Malas nak tukar2 lagi nombor tu. Tapi nombor baru tu cantik. That much I remember because the rep was so patient while we sift through the list of available numbers for me to choose from.

ps - My HQ office plays company ads over and over in the elevators. So in the early mornings ride (you can almost always have the ride all to yourself and all is quiet and peaceful) to the top floors you get to watch these ads over and over (depending on which floor your office is. My ride is rather long so I get to see ads repeating many times). Some mornings you get to see some EPL players doing some marketing talk for us. Other mornings it is Bunkface singing praises to Unifi. Or it could be Adibah Amin or some unknown faces extolling us credits. My fave is where Bunkface was jamming and then said "Unifi. Laajjjju bro" at the end of the video (they sound much like my son, that's why).

So anyway, have you installed your Unifi? You should. Laajjju bro. More info.



Zana Fauzi said...

I can almost imagine you saying, "Lajuuu bro!" LOL.

I just had Streamyx installed today. It is, after all, only in Kedah, so we have no UniFi yet (I asked the friend in HSBB PMO and they said Sg Petani will receive UniFi in September, so yay!).

Streamyx installation chronology - turned out there was no port whatsoever (the problem order said that the lorong I live in only has ports until 96 but my port is tiga ribu lebih - so cannot, have to wait. Lucky my dad is a TM pensioner, so he flexed his AND lordship muscle, he marched to the exchange and called so many people so the installer came in today. When he finished installing, he said the connection could go only till 2MB (I ordered 4MB) so he said, "OK haji, boleh close?" My dad say, mana boleh, and called this people and that, tarik wayar from this and there (I pun dah lupa) so finally we got 3.75MB tops.

Kalau takde my father, entahlah bila dapat Streamyx ni, and even so, we would be paying for 4MB for half the bandwidth. Apa ni TM. Hehe.

Anyway, miss you and the girls.

DeLinn said...

contemplating. so i should?

Azah Yahya said...

Zana, Nasib baik ada pensioner.. Have you moved for good? I saw Dee two mornings ago and said we should meet up again before Zana leaves..

Delinn, At any one time there could be six people accessing the network at home; watching Korean soaps, downloading comics / movies, play games and accessing sports videos. If you think you need such bandwidth, welcome on board.

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