Thursday, April 22, 2010

Books, Books And More Books Part 22

And I have officially finished my third book for the year (yeayyy..) These days that is an accomplishment as my zest for reading have somewhat deserted me. Or maybe I should rephrase that - I've grown up (finally!) and now am reading a bit more serious stuff. And I will also share ALL books that I read, including those I was too shy to show previously too (haha; me, shy? Dont you believe it!) I came to realize that doing good is actually contagious (and I had meant to write a post on this title for quite some time too. I surely hope I will seriously do it quickly because yeah, doing good is actually contagious).

Anyway. I finished this when I got tired of being sick. Too drained to read anything that's on the border of seriousness, I decided to read this. I have picked out the correct book this time as this turned out to be an age-appropriate book for me. With the relevant subject too (yes, you may go like, a gap year an appropriate book for you..?) And yes, I understand your disbelief - but I stand by my claim that it is a good book for me.

It tells me not to be too hard headed. You cant think you've got to do what you've got to do without looking deeply how your actions might impact the people around you. It tells me not to be impetuous. Being responsible is hard. And regrets are even more so. After that, saying sorry would be almost impossible. Curiosity can definitely kill the cat after all.

And here's my take - if you are in that instance in life when you think you are all wrung out and drained; needing to get away from it all, need a change of scenery - call me. I'll let you borrow this book and let it give you a wake up call you (moi..?) seriously need (I will go haha here - laughing at myself, actually). The book is pretty intense in that way.

And also at this time I am currently reading two books. One is on tamaddun Islam (I love that) and the other on Umrah & Hajj (reading that would make us so soulful). I'll share these too once I am done. But who knows when because I might just pick up another book (or two) to be in my in-progress list!

It had occurred to me we will never live to read all the books we want / should read. Dont you agree?


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