Thursday, April 22, 2010


There is a bunch of people I always associate the word evil with. No matter how I try to convince myself otherwise they remain evil to me.. Read on.

I had early lunch today because I missed the most important meal of the day. By two in the afternoon feeling hungry, I took out my kerepek ubi – the only food I have in the office and made a mug of kopi-o. The ubi was hard; dah masuk angin pun. But what the heck, takkan nak buang. So I ate it all the same. Wow - sungguh keras.

At some point I thought my tooth felt different. It sure felt different when I sent out my tongue to explore some more. I checked it in the mirror in the ladies and sure enough, the ubi keras had broke my teeth. The gigi already had a big crater in it in the first place anyway. Many moons ago I was advised to do a root canal, but ta-da-da-da..

So I left the office early & went to the dentist. He said he might have to do a small surgical procedure aka operation if the tooth would not surrender itself peacefully. After he had tested the gums are numb he took the forceps and grasped the culprit and moved it this way and that. And made the chair sit up straight and then move the forceps some more. Move the light a bit. Straighten the chair again. And then had a go with the tooth some more. Get the lights right again. Tug and pull the tooth some more. And more. And more. And all the while I was thinking, would I jump if it hurts?

After much resistance the tooth gave in and lost the battle. It broke into two but came out intact in two big pieces. The dentist said relax, it is all done. He said I look like I needed antibiotics and definitely some pain killer. I personally thought I needed some strong drugs to calm my nerves.

It wasn’t so bad actually come to think of it. It didn’t hurt. Maybe I’ve conquered some of the evil living in the dentists’ world after all..? (and yes, yes I know - lagi teruk dari budak kecik!)


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