Monday, October 24, 2011

The Big Day ~ Thank You

So life is (almost) back to normal now that the wedding is over - in the sense that the mind and time is free from the plans and preparation for the big day and all the (inevitable) worries that come with the package.

Alhamdulillah the day turned out fine. Sesungguhnya Allah maha penyayang. I couldnt (and shouldnt) ask for anything better (in fact, what good have I done to deserve anything like this?)

In a way the whole experience has been humbling. You start to appreciate again things you have somehow taken too much for granted. Like the support of family and friends. Not to mention the precious eco-system of a close knitted neighborhood.

This thank you post goes out to family members, to friends, to neighbors. To suppliers. Everyone who had cared enough (to continue) to build the silaturrahim. For any shortcomings - we know there are many - we apologize for them from the very bottom of our hearts. Do tell us how to make it up to you. Thank you, thank you. You are all the dearest.

ps - I do not have even one photo to share at this point. I will post some once I get a few decent ones.



DeLinn said...

i was about to comment on the photo thing until i reach the line said not one photo in ur keep. ok, will wait.

sorry azah, can't make it. i went back to ipoh in an impromptu mode. you must be very relieved and happy too. congrats now as u are officially a mother in law. :-D

Azah Yahya said...

No worries. I know you'll come if you are here. Relieved is definitely the right word.

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