Thursday, April 25, 2013

Random Thoughts on A Random Sleepless Night

Sleep evades me occasionally, lately. Sometimes I woke up instantly alert and knew, that was it with the sleep. Other times I was aware that I am worried over things, palpitating - over the big day plans - what else could it be? On good nights ada jugak sedikit kekuatan yang dikais untuk ibadat (yang pendek); other times the window of opportunity is simply wasted with tossing and turnings.

Saya teringat satu riwayat di mana Aisya ra bertanya pada Rasulullah saw apa yang patut diminta jika terjumpa malam lailatulqadar. Lalu jawab Rasulullah mintalah ampun dari Allah. Lalu saya cuba memohon ampun setiap kali bila berdoa.

Saya terbaca and from my understanding yang cetek concluded that salah satu erti beriman itu adalah percaya dan beribadat dengan yang ghaib, yang termasuk qada & qadar (yakni yakin bahawa semua takdir yang baik & buruk itu telah ditetapkan Allah. Namun semua itu dapat ditukar dengan usaha yang ikhlas dan doa. Dan wajib percaya bahawa takdir tersebut adalah yang terbaik dari Allah untuk kita). Lalu saya berdoa agar saya redha atas ketetapanNya itu.

Kata mat salleh (is it Margaret Thatcher?), 
Be careful of what you think, for your thoughts become your words.
Be careful of what you say, for your words become your actions.
Be careful of what you do, for your actions become your habits.
Be careful of what becomes habitual, for your habits become your destiny.
Thus I vow that I will try harder to only say what I mean from here on.

Berkali saya bertanya pada diri sendiri, what is my contribution towards the deen? (I fear I have very little).

Dan terbaca,"The intelligent person is the one who has authority over himself and works for the Akhirah".

The stuff in this post do not have a continuity I know, but that is what random is all about. Have a great day ahead. Sesungguhnya tiada daya dan kekuatan tanpa pertolongan Allah.


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