I regretted going to pasar tani yesterday. Had to drive like a snail and parking was difficult ~ among other things. And I only wanted to get some fresh fruits for all that hassle.
As I turned towards the fruit stall I saw a woman sitting cross legged on the dirty tarmac. She had some old newspapers under her. A boy about four was crying and thrashing on her right lap. She angrily told the boy to stop crying and then pulled his ear. Hard. The boy cried even louder.
My blood shot sky high at the scene and without realising what I was going to do myself, I said to the woman - Jangan tarik telinga dia! The woman turned, clearly surprised. Then turned away again, sullen & silent.
A woman observer said to me, for all you know the children (there was also a girl there, about two with her bottle, that I didnt see earlier) are not even hers. She "borrowed" the children to do her dirty work in begging.
I dont know for sure. But I hate the fact that the poor chidren were being used that way, regardless of her being the mother or not. She looked young enough and strong enough to do some honest work herself. I didnt leave them any money although I pity the children lying on the torn newspapers in the sun.
Getting to my car I saw a small boy with a songkok, about seven or eight maybe but definitely younger than Eirfan - or maybe he's small due to his diet? - selling CDs. When asked his answer was, I am doing this for my mum. She's also selling CDs at the pasar tani. I told him to get quickly back to his mum. Why did he wonder so far away from the pasar anyway? He looked at me blankly and just walked away as if saying I've done this many times before and it is none of your business anyway..
It wasnt a good morning to be at the pasar tani that's for sure.
Lying in bed that night I remembered the dirty children on the tarmac and the small face under the songkok and thought,
Ya Allah ~ protect them, give them iman and let them have a better life.
And Ya Allah ~ please protect my children, give them iman and let them be thankful for the bounties you bestowed upon us. Amiin.