Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Time Out!

Apa maknanya cuti sekolah kalau tak pergi bercuti. Itu kata saya. Eirfan just couldnt care one way or another. He'd be more than happy to be stuck at home in front of the PC (which drives me up the wall sometimes).

So when I told him we are going to Bukit Tinggi, his response - kenapa kena pergi - is just expected. His next question - siapa lagi pergi - is also a FAQ I have long filed. We've been busy lately; so in the end Iman made plans for Bukit Tinggi. We've never been there anyway walaupun dekat.

It is one lonely place if you ask me. There should be more attraction. Eirfan described our accommodation as scary-mary. And it was pitch dark to Colemar at night. No street lights nor cars did we pass on our way.

Colemar is pretty in a way. But rather limited.

Nice buildings.

Colemar at night. The lights bring warmth to the place (and if you are smart, tell me which of these four photos are taken on a smart phone and which on the camera).

There could have been more rabbits at the rabbit farm. I imagined a big padang bola full of arnab. I can tell you mak saya bela arnab pun lagi banyak (exaggerating here). But seriously. Although we saw little kids having a lot of fun chasing after the rabbits, chanting comel nye, comel nye..

These pretty horses in day light seemed rather eery at night.

Swans by day. And swans by night (unfortunately no, they dont turn into princess or anything magical like that come evening).

My favorite attraction has got to be the Japanese Garden. My kind of place. Cool. Breezy. With moss covered stones. And green plants everywhere. With gurgling streams.

We saw these flowers on our way up to the Japanese Garden. They are called angel's trumpet (someone I know well call them bell flowers. Haha. Hentam sajalah labu..). I only know of them from my sister who so loves flowering plants.

The view going down seem familiar - almost like those at Maxwell Hill, a lovely place with - nothing, but space.

If you are thinking of visiting Bukit Tinggi, I suggest you go during weekends. Not too lonely maybe. Stay at Colemar itself. And bring food. A whole baked chicken will cost you RM68 here. No kidding.

ps - and the night photos above? - the photos with warmer colors are taken from the sony camera (so I deduce that night photos are not that good on your iphone).


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