Wednesday, September 6, 2006

He's Back..

My bachelor #2 ~ that's who. It is the semester break so he's here at home. Prowling the kitchen, sleeping on the sofa, walking in and out of the house for futsal, work out at the gym, teh tarik sessions with friends etc etc.

He keeps a very tight schedule everyday - his style. Sleep till noon, lunch, more sleep, wake up for futsal or to go to the gym. Short winks again before dinner. Then it's time to surf the net, chat or listen to blaring music on the PC. Then out for teh tarik with friends. Come back and watch movie(s) or tv. Sleep is after Fajr prayers or shortly before.

Reminds me of my much younger days when my brother came home for his own breaks from college. He slept at extended odd hours all the time too & we envy him the 'freedom' that he had. We wondered why mum, being so strict herself, let him get away with that sleeping habit. Now I know.. ie nothing much can mum do then, like there is not much that I can do now.

This bachelor is supposed to learn to cook during his break. So far little has progressed. I chided him for letting his friends do all the cooking at his bachelor pad, so to speak. So tomorrow evening we are going to do groceries shopping so that he could learn how to buy chicken, clean and cook them. Instead of just eating them. This should be fun.. or a pain..


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