Saturday, September 30, 2006

Ramadhan al-Mubarak Part 2

Went to do the groceries today. The store was much busier than usual. It is Ramadhan after all; and somehow that alone turned us into food freaks, which is antithesis to the ibadah itself. The book Fadhilat Ramadhan said, apalah erti nya bertahan lapar, berpuasa di siang hari tetapi di malam nya kita makan sehingga tiada batasannya..

Raya music blared store-wide, from P Ramlee songs to the latest less popular ones. I thought it was in poor taste - we havent even warmed up to Ramadhan we are already jumping towards Syawal. Playing up to our sentimentality of the raya celebrations that's what the store people are doing - so that we are swayed to buy and buy some more. Kan ke one of the places Rasulullah tak suka pun is the pasar? And arent we not supposed to play these songs until certain days before raya itself?

Anyway the queue was long, like ular kena patuk. There was a young boy creating quite an uproar at the checkout counters like a typical American youth at a rock concert or maybe at a football game. The only difference is this (unfortunate?) boy has the down syndrome. All my doa to his mum who gently but unsuccessfully tried to curb her son's enthusiasm.

The girl at the cash register threw my stuff around - she really need to be retrained .. or fired? I was glad to get out of the store without biting off anyone's head. Coincidently we took the wrong escalator down and had to walk through the parking lot with all that fumes.. I really should have stayed at home.

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