Sunday, December 23, 2007

A Gloomy Sunday

Woke up this morning with a premonition that it might not be a good day today (trust an emotional person like me to say something like that!)

I guess we are not going for our morning walk today - it's a wet morning - it rained last night; which is a good thing as the weather has been hot lately. Wondered what I should do for the rest of the day..

Come to think of it, I could bake the cheese cake that I wanted try; I have the sour cream it needed but not the cream cheese - Giant doesnt have the kind that I like when I was there yesterday.. or maybe I could re-pot my plants that bordered the neighbor's house - I need more shrubs there to block the view a bit more (if I know him, he'd be washing his car in a short while - he does that without fail every Sun.. dont get me wrong - he's a good neighbor actually)

Or maybe I should start digging the ground for my vege patch. Or should I visit the bookstore? I saw a cd that a friend was looking for the other day and I could get a book or two for myself too. Come to think of it, I have lots of books I borrowed (ie that means trashy junks..) the other day - I've finished 4 and have 2 more to go and I do plan to finish them before Christmas..

Or maybe I should visit the mall - they say shopping can cure a lot of ailment, after all.. I also have my bead project that need completion - I could finish that..

Or maybe I'll just sit here near my pond with my coffee (nes-lo actually) blogging away with Gwen Stefani entertaing me with her rendition of 'Early Winter'.. (this beats surfing at Starbucks hands down any time. Dont you just love wireless technology..?)


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