Monday, December 10, 2007

A PNB Affair

Iman got problems with her ASB account - none of the agents at the banks know what's wrong but her account is non-active. So we went to PNB to get it sorted out. Turned out that some of her documents are missing ie not collected by the agent - that's why.

PNB scrutinzised all her legal docs which made me so mad. If they need a copy of her IC then get the copy but do they do that? Noooo - they act like they are the JPN instead and wanted to look at the sijil warganegara under the microscope and etc etc. Now, are they implying they do not trust the JPN? Blah.. blah.. I can go on and on..

Nevertheless, so as not to lose my temper I read the papers (I cynically said - no wonder newspapers are strewn around the waiting lobby ie they need the investors to be diverted a bit from the red-tapes.. they dont accept cash so we had to find a post office then come back to finalise the transaction - is that ** or what? cant find a word for that..) and walked outside. There was a big tent and nasyid was sung.

Turned out Raihan was practising there for their show later. So I snapped their photos.

.. no, the fact that Raihan was there didnt soften me one tiny bit.. unfotunate actually because they are really good even at practice..

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