There was a makan-makan in the office yesterday; celebrating nothing actually; just for the fun of it. And although I was in the office this morning I decided to take the rest of the day off after all citing my poor teeth as the culprit.
I did pay the dentist a visit and had a couple of fillings done. The dentist as previously, hid his face behind the mask. I am glad; it is a bit unsettling to be staring up into his eyes while he prod into my cavity (ha-ha.. sempat jugak tu) and worked on the filling. Most of the time the pain made me close my eyes anyway (psst.. I hate dentists; it's nothing personal - it's just their profession..)
If PW were in my place, she might get into a fit over the dentist I'd guess.
Oh, and I did some raya shopping actually. And I wondered what is it about raya that makes us (me?) go into the overdrive about shopping.
Ustaz kata we must learn to celebrate the Ramadhan more instead of Syawal.. And yeah, I went to the ceramah the other day. The ustaz was nice (nice? cant find a more befitting vocab in this instance and too lazy to bother with the thesaurus etc), enligtening, fun. He was most gentle when quoting the gentler gender. He made us laugh with his examples (no dumb jokes from him) and his doa brought tears to the eyes.
Selamat Menyambut Ramadhan al-Mubarrak. Maaf zahir & batin.