Tuesday, January 31, 2012


Soalan lazim yang saya terima bila kawan2 menyapa saya sekarang adalah, dah ada cucu dah? Or kadang2, cucu apa khabar? Dan selalunya disertai gelak ketawa. Jawapan bajet saya adalah, I am not ready to be a grandma la. Ataupun a simple answer like, I cant wait to have a baby in the family again. You be the judge and tell me which is the serious answer.

Anyway. For now we have some babies at home. No, not baby babies. Cat babies. Eirfan kata itu kittens lah, bukan cat babies. Ok, so yes we have 3 black kittens at home. Yes, they are all black. One has white feet which makes it look like it has got socks on. At least that is what my sons told me. Saya takut (?) tengok tiny kittens.

Fishy was but a baby not too long ago and now she's a mom already. Do cats reproduce so quickly? I dont know because I never had cats (my arwah grandfather was bed-ridden due to - I cant remember what - so he was always sitting on the floor by the window. And he so hated it when the family cat came anywhere near him. So cats were like not so friendly pets in some peculiar ways. At least that was always what I learned.)

And my adik used to have a cat called - was is Tompok? Mesti dia ambil nama tu dari majalah Bujal, haha. Adik saya memang skema (but very, very smart, mind you) - and when the cat died (was ran over by some irresponsible driver), he buried it under a tree and put a cross made of small sticks on the top. We always laugh over this even years after that.

Anyway. Now Ilyas (and the other boys too) are telling me takkan kita nak give the kittens away - kesian. Half serious, arms akimbo, I said - either the kittens go or you go, haha (I mean hey, I've got to have some right to say what goes on in my own home, dont you agree? You know how - under false pretenses - the cats got into our house in the first place.)

So that is sort of my story on babies. For now.


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