Monday, April 30, 2007

It's More Fun This Way

It's the d-day to submit the income tax form today..

Friends tell me it's easy to do it on-line. I said I am an IT-illiterate person - I dont know how to do that. & submit the hardcopy form I did.

I spent Sun on the form & called some friends about things I dont know. Mon morning I noticed mistakes when I did my final verification. So I went to the kedai mamak and get the 'blanko'. After making corrections I went to the income tax office. From far I saw the office crowded and cars are already parked haphazardly within the surrounding area of the office. I had to park some distance from there.

I went to the kedai kodak to make a copy of my form - whew, there were two long lines there - everybody trying to make copy of their forms. I waited. The two boys manning the photocopy machines almost tripped over their fingers while making copies - they were that busy.

When I got to the office, the place looked like it's got a sale before hari raya. Berpusu manusia. I had a one last question to ask before I submit my form so I waited. I saw an old, old man who dont understand what he supposed to do and a mid-thirties guy who insisted he doesnt have to pay anything because "gaji saya banyak mana pun.. anak pun ramai.." There was also a guy who said "co saya kata tak payah bayar apa pun sebab dah bayar kat Bahrain.."

The officer's answer to my question was satisfactory enough but she wanted to look at my completed form. She chided me over the 'blanko' thing and make big marks on my form over the mistakes that she discovered. (I hate the pakcik who stood behind us and looked at my form while the officer was checking the form - hello, can I have some privacy here?!!)

The officer asked me to re-do the form on-line. I told her - I am computer illeterate. She frowned at me, like disbelieving. I laughed. But she did agree that I could re-do the whole thing on another form.

Next year I will submit my tax using - the physical form - ha-ha, because believe me, there is just no substitute to the experience I had this morning if I only sat in front of the PC.


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