Friday, May 16, 2008

Finally Met My Match

It was a busy week.. but Thur looked easier than the rest of the days so took sometime to pay the orthopaedic a visit. Luckily enough the panel doctor consented to write a referral letter, the gl was quickly received and the specialist himself was free that day.

The orthopaedic knew his stuff alright; after all, he is a consultant surgeon/specialist. He declared my problem minor (not from where I'm standing, mind you). After all he himself said he had seen patients who cant even lift their arms or even grasp anything with their fingers. After the primary stuff done he got onto other contributing factors.

That was when he put me on the witness stand and cross-examined me on my diet. I supposed I failed his questions when he said, there is no magic formula to lose weight; we dont gain weight from the air that we breath or the sun.. (if a non-garang-orthopaedic tell me this I'd tell the guy to take a flying leap; and take his business elsewhere with him. After all, I am paying his fees - he should remember that!)

He drilled into me the difference between fat and carbo and the importance of exercise (like I dont know..) and told me that he expects me to lose a kg by the time I see him next; which is in a month.. I suppose you cant be a dato' specializing in orthopaedic if you were a sap - dato' politics boleh la kut..

He gave me a bakul of ubat. He gave me a scare too about losing weight (which could be a first. The doctor I always go to dah bebel berbuih mulut telling me to lose weight; but I never felt compelled like this) I feel like I must lose that kg in a month; kalau tak, nanti takut nak jumpa doctor.

Which is so ridiculous.. I never let people whom I pay money intimidate me; it has always been the other way round. After all, I am the customer and was told often enough that I am always right. Right?

.. so, chick-pea-and-leek-soup and pocho-pocho anyone..?


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