Thursday, September 11, 2008

Sunny Morning At My Fave Pasar

I was at the pasar tani (of course, where else? I should do a count and see how many times I have mentioned the pasar tani in my blog..) two weekends ago when I saw that plant above. It looked like something I know - and want - and quickly picked it up (so that the other makcik looking at the plants dont get to it first, he-he..)

I asked the adik, ini pokok apa? He said Rosemary. Just as I thought. The other makcik said pokok ni yang banyak bunga tu ke? I said I dont know. She said buat ulam ke? I said it is a herb. She went ohh.. (clearly she doesnt know her herbs.. naughty, but I cant resist that..)

Happily I took my rosemary home and put it in front of my kitchen window (ala Jamie who picks his herb from the sill whilst cooking.. perasan). But one and a half week after that (today) the rosemary looks wilted and not so healthy anymore. I knew it wouldnt last too long when I bought it..

And whilst at the markets I met Sue who said Zah, wah.. your bakul (the above is the culprit) macam.. (I cant remember the exact expression but it seem like macam glam gitu..) I kept telling people this is the bakul susu when my youngest was a baby. But then again, it might be me not the bakul you know.. LOL..

Anyway. This reminds me of Zarina too - who would laugh at my bakul. Whatever it is, the bakul stays. And for whatever reasons unbeknown to me my husband dont really want to carry the bakul at the pasar.

Actually I have set my eyes on one particular shopping bag but the store had run out of stock since forever. But I am still waiting. We used to have a trolley but the wheels had came off after only using it twice (with the kind of stuff we buy at the pasar it is no wonder that that happens!)


1 comment:

1342.4231. said...

ma...u should put picture of ur NEW 'bakul'...

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