Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Ramadhan & Foods

These are the cookbooks I have collected thus far (memang saja la kalau tak memasak..)

I spent half of yesterday morning dusting and rearranging my cookbooks. And I actually wondered what it is about Ramadhan that inspires me to do that. I guess if we had a survey done, it would show that more recipes are traded during Ramadhan, more cookbooks are bought and more hits are recorded on the cooking websites.

And again this year I promise myself that we will not rampantly buy things at the pasar Ramadhan. We will cook all meals unless it is strictly unavoidable. Let's hope it is not unavoidable like every other day..

I wondered also when did we start the pasar Ramadhan which makes the month so synonym with food, food and more food. We can think of any food then go to the pasar and actually find it sold there. I have had bad experiences with the food at the pasar though - the ikan bakar that tasted like it has been left outside the fridge for too long; the stale chicken; the agar-agar pandan that tasted like egg yolk; the buah melaka coated with hampas kelapa.. And many others that made their way to the bin in the evening. And these arent cheap either..

Kalau balik terkejar-kejar kemudian masak kicap telur untuk berbuka; the meal will taste even better than some of the food found at the pasar (hari ni mungkin balik masak kicap telur..).


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have to agree with you on the price and the foods at pasar ramadhan. And I am not quite partial about the crowd either. Seems like everybody's gone crazy enough to walk (jostle is more like it) a long way to find their berbuka dish.

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