Monday, November 10, 2008

Manjalara ku

I think for once I have a skema title for a post. Oh well..

I was excited about the weekend as I've signed up for a beading class with one of the.. wait.. Delinn, are you saying oh, oh, here she goes again at this point.. ? - takpa, let me continue with the story first.

I've signed up with a beading instructor whose work I adore (thank you Fatin for referring me to her fotopages). I tried to attend her class twice before but they were always full. Although I wasnt feeling too great on Sun I still went; and despite the fact people at home asked if I should really go too. Betapa teruja nya.. I thought if I dont feel too great during class I'll just make excuses to leave.

Needless to say I love the class and stayed the entire duration although it was an all day long session. Checkout my work, uh.. masterpiece (yele tu) for the day here.

It was more informative than the class I attended with the glamorous fashion designer (read the story here..)

So why the skema title? The instructor has a design she called bunga manjalara that is so gorgeous and I love so much and must have it on my baju.. he-he.

So Delinn nanti bila I pakai baju dengan bunga manjalara I tu (insya'Allah - I hate the word, never, forever and things like that - that dream baju could take eons to finish..) you jangan nak keek-keek-keek lagi.. Tapi kan, baju pun takde lagi - macam mana nak jahit..

ps - that's the manjalara I love so taken from noraini's fotopages of course..



DeLinn said...

azah ahahaha, bila i baca ur statement tu, i mmg dah ckp dalam hati i (and plan to comment) this, "what? class again?" tapi tergelak bila u dah awal2 sebut nama i ahahahahha.

anyway, the manjalara is gorgeous!. u must STRIVE to do it! hehehe

Zana Fauzi said...

Do you want me to persuade her, Delinn?

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