Saturday, February 25, 2012

Books, Books and More Books Part 35 & 36

I suppose I am like, on track. I finished two (albeit small) books for 2012. I also finished a couple others but they are really thin ones (but significant nonetheless).

So I am finally done with my sirah #2. I wish I had finished it faster - namun lately fikiran selalu serabut dengan bos baru di ofis.

I also finished this some time back.

I am currently reading a couple more books including one on healthy dieting (would I ever quit?) and Syamail Nabi which describes peribadi Rasulullah. And also Eirfan's Uthman bin Affan. I have a couple of fiction still wrapped in plastic. I wanted to read about Steve Jobs tapi budak2 kata ma, dia kan dah mati? I dont see a problem with that actually. Maybe I'll read it anyway someday. And I still need to finish my sirah #3. Kaia also bought the book Sword of Allah on Khalid al Walid which I plan to read too.

Have you at any time thought that there are so many books to read in so short a (life) time? Let's not even consider fiction, literature (I wanted to buy something by Robert Frost but the children had asked, seriously?), management, technology etc. I am talking about purely must-know-stuff kind of books. Tak terbaca.

Kata ustaz, umur umat Rasulullah saw biasanya di antara 60 -70 tahun (yang terlebih umur tu, kiranya dianugerahkan bonus). Dan kalau umur sudah mencecah 40 dan ke atas sedarilah bahawa jalan pulang lebih dekat dari jalan yang telah kita lalui.

Selamat mencari ilmu untuk kebahagiaan abadi.


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