Friday, April 25, 2008

Something I Heard.. And Like

"Dan Demi sesungguhnya, Allah telah menepati janjinya (memberikan pertolongan) kepada kamu ketika kamu (berjaya) membunuh mereka (beramai-ramai) dengan izinNya, sehingga ke masa kamu lemah (hilang semangat untuk meneruskan perjuangan) dan kamu berbalah dalam urusan (perang) itu, serta kamu pula menderhaka (melanggar perintah Rasulullah) sesudah Allah perlihatkan kepada kamu akan apa yang kamu sukai (kemenangan dan harta rampasan perang). Di antara kamu ada yang menghendaki keuntungan dunia semata-mata, dan di antara kamu ada yang menghendaki akhirat, kemudian Allah memalingkan kamu daripada menewaskan mereka untuk menguji (iman dan kesabaran) kamu; dan sesungguhnya Allah telah memaafkan kamu, (semata-mata Dengan limpah kurniaNya). dan (ingatlah), Allah sentiasa melimpahkan kurniaNya kepada orang-orang yang beriman."
Ali 'Imran, Ayat 152

This is related to Perang Uhud actually. Perang Uhud occurs in Sya'aban 3H. We all know about the archer's team that Rasulullah placed on the hill and was told not to leave their post no matter what happens.

Despite that the archers were too excited about the bounties left by the enemies (the Muslims were winning at that point) and forgotten what the prophet had said and left the hill. That was when the enemies came back and attacked the Muslims. Needless to say we lost the war.

Sejarah mengatakan Rasulullah cedera parah. He fell into a hole and was protected by only a few sahabah at that time amongst the enemies. One of the 'Ansars used his chest as the shield for Rasulullah and he had 70 bows (if I am not mistaken) struck his body. The war ended only because someone from the enemy had shouted that Rasulullah was dead.

The verse had said despite that and the fact that the sahabah had acted against the Prophet's instructions, they are nevertheless forgiven by Allah. Ustaz kata Subhanallah, mana nak cari Tuhan Maha Pemurah macam ni?

Of course, I didnt tell the story as nice as the ustaz - sebab bila ustaz cerita pasal ayat ni sedih sangat rasanya mengingatkan Maha Pemurah nya Allah.


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