Sunday, October 12, 2008

Celebrating Raya

And I am sort of like in a I-am-not-going-to-lift-my-little-finger-to-do-anything mood today.

The children had some (ah well maybe 40 or so) friends over for raya makan-makan yesterday evening. So I had been cooking and was busy all day yesterday.

I had planned to start everything very early. I had gone and do the shopping on Fri evening; but the shelves were almost empty and the stuff I was looking for are all gone or have wilted beyond recognition. So I had to visit pasar tani after all.

Later that evening my brother told me that he'll be taking my mum home a little later than planned so I could visit with mum before he leaves (I told him I would if he werent going at an ungodly pre-dawn hours). Humph.. but a promise is a promise and anyhow I like to try to be a bit more conscientious where mum is concerned.

After the pasar and that trip to Cheras it was almost noon by the time I started on the food preparation (tapi nak masak macam-macam..); despite planning on starting early. Talk about Murphy's Law..

But anyhow by the time the kids arrived in the evening, things are actually done. The pizzas were ready to go into the oven, the laksa and curry mee were served. Ketupat, lemang, nasi impit, kuah kacang and rendang were nicely arranged together. The brownies were waiting to be iced and fruits are nicely cooling in the fridge.

Ilyas had managed to get a few additional tables (from the surau! How resourceful..) And the drizzle that came down steadily all afternoon did finally let off at Maghrib. Alhamdulillah.

I went upstairs at 11 (it had been a long day for a makcik with muscle spasms like me) after making sure that the children have enough to eat and that the rush for food is finally over. They were sitting drinking and talking instead of gobbling down food.

When I came down this morning, the dishes were drying, the counters clean, the chairs nicely stacked. I asked my husband if he were responsible for all that (he came back late after teh tarik session last night). He said no, when he came back all things were done.

... & I thought I have really nice children and that I really had trained them well... ha-ha.

So today here I am browsing through my magazine, blogging, watching tv.. not lifting much of anything at all.


1 comment:

1342.4231. said...

oh ma...pls mention names...iman ngan ayeh yg kemas lepas tu...ehem

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